Hi there...

Foolish me.... all was going sooooooo well and then I got a wild hair and
updated to the latest clamav .92 today.

It is possible I should have just done an rpm update install yet there were
some changes in ClamAV lately and I didn't know how well that would go.

up till now I spec'd and rolled my own Clamav RPMs without milter

somewhat recently ClamAV changed from having a clamav-server RPM file to not
having it so I went to the magnificent Dag repo and snagged what I needed

I did a yum remove and then a yum localinstall

What I didn't think about was that the clamav user and group would be
deleted and then re-created... which I think poor package management design,
yet what do I know.

Anyways, would some kind soul point me in the right direction or help me
create a script that will traverse the proper parts of the filesystem and
grep for files with UID and/or GID 46 please?

Ive been fighting this for a coupla hours just scrounging around and fixing
what I knew needed to be chown'd based upon errors in the logfiles etc...



Thanks for pointers in advance

 - rh

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