On 10/03/2014 09:12 AM, Richer, Mark (CIV) wrote:

I am trying to understand better how you give an interface a more descriptive 
name and get it all working without a reboot, if possible.

udev is in control. You need a /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules like:

# net device ()
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="02:8b:02:81:f4:4a", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"

Then I think you first restart udev then network.

We have 1G and 10G interfaces, and I’m trying to use names like 1G-internal, 
1G-external, 10G-private, etc.  When I boot up, it’s all fine, but if I add one 
I’m not sure if there is a way to avoid the reboot? For example, I added the 
10G interface names this week.

Specifically, is there a way to change the network interface name you see in 
ifconfig and nmcli connection without rebooting CentOS 7?

I changed the name in network-scripts. I tried to restart NetworkManager.

I brought down the interface and tried to rename the file and bring it up 
again, but it still retains the previous run-time setting associated with the 
same UUID in the file.

Also I find that on all but one of the server on which I did this, I can 
restart NetworkManager, but network.service is failing to restart. Do I want 
both active? And if yes,  is this indicative of a problem related to changing 
the interfaces that goes away (only) by rebooting? For some reason, after doing 
this on several systems, on only one I can restart network.service, but it also 
still shows the old interface name.


NPS-NCR Digital Forensics Lab IT Manager
Computer Science Department
Naval Postgraduate School - National Capital Region (NCR)
900 N Glebe Rd, Rm 5-182, Arlington, VA 22203
571.858.3254 (o) 571.303.9498 (m) mhric...@nps.edu<mailto:mhric...@nps.edu>

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