Hi everybody,

I'm back to CentOS after a long period during which I've been using mainly Slackware. I still use Slackware for teaching and for my local clients (on servers and desktops), but right now, I'm planning to update my own documentation about CentOS, which is still based on version 5.x.

First things first. For the moment I have a sandbox server in my office with a minimal installation of CentOS 6.5. It's a very stripped installation, and I want to keep it that way, installing things only as I need them. So I did *not* do a "yum groupinstall Base" after the initial installation.

I installed Git and Vim and cloned my Github repository for CentOS. But when I make a modification and want to push it to Github, I get the following error:

# git push
error: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden while accessing https://github.com/kikinovak/centos/info/refs
fatal: HTTP request failed

Now I think there must be some missing component in my CentOS installation, because my Slackware workstation in the same network can push things just fine.

Any idea what's missing here?

Cheers from the flooded South of France,

Microlinux - Solutions informatiques 100% Linux et logiciels libres
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