I have about $1200 to spend on 2 boxes and I'd like them to be identical.
Very basic web serving, simple HTML5 video, light email serving. Looking
around NewEgg, I come across:


These use ECC unbuffered RAM which is expensive but I did find 8gb sticks
for under $70 each:

I'd still have to add hard drives and more RAM and 2nd GB NICS. I also
found out the power supply is non standard so if it goes in order to put in
a standard power supply you need an adaptor:

I haven't purchased hardware in 2 years. I could even use a desktop system
versus this "server" class. I feel like by time I add more to each box to
make it run perhaps there is a better machine to buy?

Anyway if anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it. These are personal
funds, I don't want to make a poor decision.

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