On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Robert Nichols <rnicholsnos...@comcast.net>

> The list does allow attachments.  The file I sent you was an attachment.

I do not know why then my attachment are not attached, anyway here I
uploaded the image http://imgur.com/B7YWY10

> I wish you hadn't jumped right into rebooting.  My only consolation is that
> the result you got is probably what would have happened had you tried to
> reboot _without_ changing anything.

Yes, before the latest change I reboot several times and system always pass

> Are you seeing any messages prior to the kernel panic?  If not, reboot and
> press TAB to see the GRUB menu.  Press "a" to get to the kernel parameters
> and then remove the parameters "rhgb" and "quiet".  Then you will get to
> see
> what leads to the panic.

I leave you the printscreen on the image link, anyway is a VM the only
problem is that I lost all the data and need to reinstall it all from
scratch but recently CentOS 6.6 comes out so I'll give a try to this one
and this time creating the proper LVM with a lot of space and keep this
email secure for the future

Thanks to everyone here one the list, great support
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