On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 9:02 AM, James B. Byrne <byrn...@harte-lyne.ca> wrote:
> So, seven, even ten, years of stability is really nothing at all.

Yes exactly.  Do you want your bank to manage your accounts with new
and not-well-tested software every 7 years or would you prefer the
stability of incremental improvements?

> Think about it.  What enterprise can afford to rewrite all of its software
> every ten years? What enterprise can afford to retrain all of its personnel to
> use different tools to accomplish the exact same tasks every seven years?

It's worse than that - since you can't just replace all of your
servers and code at once, your staff has to be trained on at least two
and probably three major versions at any given time - and aware of
which server runs what, and which command set has to be used.   And
the cost and risk of errors increases with the number of arbitrary
changes across versions.

    Les Mikesell
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