On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Jonathan Billings <billi...@negate.org> wrote:

> If we express them
>> here then there is a chance, a small chance but a chance nonetheless,
>> that someone at RH with a view a little broader than that evidenced in
>> most of the traffic on the Fedora devel list, might take notice.
> I think this essentially sums up your point, and elucidates what I
> think is the error in your thinking.

Yes, it is pretty clearly an error to think anyone else cares.   Red
Hat will make some money on new training classes helping people cope
with the breakage.   And CentOS will continue to be a copy with no
input.  That still doesn't make it any better for the CentOS users of
things that now have an expiration date.

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

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