On 15 March 2015 at 03:52, robert rottermann <rob...@redcor.ch> wrote:

> Hi there and hello to everybody,
>  I am all new to centos but I have good experience working with ubuntu and
> suse.
>     We are moving a an elderly SuSe box to a virtual machine running
> centos 7.
>     Now I experience the following problem.
>     I can only access postgres using localhost as host. If I use the IP
> address
>     (even
>     I found a similar problem when accessing the host using http. There I
> found out
>     (after lots of hair pulling) that I have to set a value using
> setsebool.
>     So I assume, that I have a similar problem here.
>     I would be grateful, if somebody could point me in the right direction
> ..
>     thanks
>  robert
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Hello Robert,

See if this will help [0], by default it appears to be listening for
localhost only "listen_addresses='localhost'".


Kind Regards
Earl Ramirez
CentOS mailing list

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