On 09/16/15 19:50, Jonathan Billings wrote:
On Sep 16, 2015, at 5:21 PM, m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
I tried systemctl start multi-user.target. I tried systemctl stop
graphical.target. I finally had to set the multi-user.target as the
default, and reboot, to get rid of the nouveau drivers.

Note that I tried to modprobe -r, and rmmod with all the modules using
nouveau, and couldn't - I kept getting "in use" - it seemed like a
circular reference.

As I said, I rebooted. Then I ran the proprietary build, ran fine. I try
starting the graphical target, no joy. I changed the default target back
to graphical, and rebooted. Still no xorg. Googling (yahooing?), I added
rdblacklist=nouveau in grub.conf, *then* had to rebuild the grub2 (grub2
must *die*).

Still wouldn't see the nvidia drivers on reboot. Finally, I rebuild the
initramfs, which got the now-built and installed nvidia drivers (and I'd
yum uninstalled nouveau), and finally, it came up.

Oh, and for some reason, without the reboot, the Xorg.0.log wasn't
renewed, as though it hadn't actually restarted X. Plus, it appears that
<ctrl-alt-bkspc> is disabled....

Of course, none of this had anything to do with systemd, other than the
commands you had to change runlevels.  It’d be the same problem with
Upstart in CentOS6, just different commands.  The kernel modesetting stuff
is at fault here.  But who needs facts to get in the way of a good rant?

Really? In Centos 6, if I do an init 3, it shuts down X; none of the above did that,

I suggest looking at http://elrepo.org/tiki/kmod-nvidia

I'm familiar with elrepo.

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