> De: "Ricardo J. Barberis" <rica...@palmtx.com.ar>
> [Unit]
> After=network.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target network-online.target
> </code>
> The After line is the important one, I copied it from
> /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service and added "network-online.target"
> at the end.
> After making your changes, be sure to reenable the service so it takes your
> new unit, e.g.:
> # systemctl reenable nginx.service
> It worked for me, maybe it works for you?
On my systems, I saw that network.target was not started, because no service 
required it ("After=foo" is totally useless if there isn't any "Require=foo" 
too... Mwokay, why not...). I just added a symlink to force network.target to 
start, and the ordering problem is solved :
/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/network.target -> 

That link avoids modifying the configuration of _all_ the services needing a 
fully working network (ssh, web, mail, snmp, and so on) with a crappy, but 
easy-to-deploy, one-liner like this (no, I'm not ashamed) :
# for fic in $(grep -rl "After=.*network.target" /lib/systemd/system | cut -d/ 
-f5 | grep -v "network-online.target") ; do [ ! -d 
"/etc/systemd/system/${fic}.d" ] && mkdir "/etc/systemd/system/${fic}.d" ; echo 
-e "[Unit]\nAfter=network-online.target" > 
"/etc/systemd/system/${fic}.d/local-network-online.conf" ; done && systemctl 

By the way, congratulations to the genius who decided to name one of the files 
"-.slice"... Yes, a filename beginning by a hyphen. I suppose anybody here 
understands why it's probably one of the worst ideas he never had.

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