On 03/07/16 22:53, Fred Smith wrote:
On Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 09:12:25PM -0500, Scott Robbins wrote:
On Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 08:58:06PM -0500, Fred Smith wrote:
On Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 04:17:29PM -0500, m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
Fred Smith wrote:
On Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 11:25:30AM -0500, m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
I've been googling, and looking at the CentOS wiki - which, btw, when I
do a full search on "control-alt-backspace", gives me three pages... in
Japanese, I think.

How do I re-enable userspace restart X?

You used to be able to do it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but not sure if it
still works.

Section "ServerFlags"
     Option "DontZap" "false"

I see stackexchange adds

ection "InputClass"
     Identifier      "Keyboard Defaults"
     MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
     Option          "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"

Also, at least with the more minimalist window managers (I usually use
either Openbox or dwm) one can also use ctl+alt+F<whatever>, get to a
console and do sudo pkill X.

And... I just found this on worldofgnome.org:

        Using Xinitrc

        Xinitrc is read by xinit and is been executed when we (desktops) start 

        Create a new file (if not exists):

        gedit ~/.xinitrc


        setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp

        $ setxkbmap ...
        will set the changes on the fly.

        Restart X to apply changes. Logout/Login.

Thanks folks, I'll give it a try today.

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