> -----Original Message-----
> From: centos-boun...@centos.org [mailto:centos-boun...@centos.org] On
> Behalf Of John R Pierce
> Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 4:33 PM
> To: centos@centos.org
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] How to move /var to another partition
> On 9/25/2016 12:56 PM, Robert Nichols wrote:
> >
> > What I do is have a separate logical volume for /var/lib/libvirt, with
> > /var/lib/libvirt/etc bind-mounted to /etc/libvirt. It keeps all the
> > libvirt stuff together, since the backup requirements there are quite
> > different from the rest of the system.
> this!
> when I create a centos system, I let anaconda setup LVM, but I hugely
> /home to something reasonable, and leave much of the physical
> disk space unassigned for future allocation.   then I'll create a new LV
> for /var/lib/whatever, mkfs_xfs and mount it (adding it to /etc/fstab)
when I
> want to explore something new like a database server, setup a web
> server, or KVM...   if it turns out I need more space for /home, its as
> simple as..
>      lvextend -L +20g /dev/mapper/vg_xxxx-lv_home && xfs_growfs /home
> to add 20G (or whatever) to said file system...
> --
> john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz
[Thomas E Dukes] 

I ducked when that went right over my head. :-)

Seriously, I don't have a clue what ya'll said and too afraid to try it. I
did some reading on LVM today. I know enough to be dangerous.

I'm installing Centos 7 in /home/LV as we speak but can blow it away if you
care to help me out setting that up. Know you guys have more important
things going on than dealing with 'casual' users.

I sincerely appreciate your help!!

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