On CentOS7 df shows not correct data about /dev/vdb

# df

Filesystem              1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/mapper/centos-root  13105152 2695388  10409764  21% /

devtmpfs                  8140264       0   8140264   0% /dev

tmpfs                     8150940       0   8150940   0% /dev/shm

tmpfs                     8150940  839576   7311364  11% /run

tmpfs                     8150940       0   8150940   0% /sys/fs/cgroup

/dev/vdb                515928320  786176 488911360   1% /home

/dev/vda1                  508580  180304    328276  36% /boot

tmpfs                     1630192       0   1630192   0% /run/user/0

With /etc/fstab I set as following.

UUID=f3b3a4ae-757f-4c68-bbbe-c05ded3d8580 /mnt/extradiskA   ext4
defaults,usrquota,grpquota    1 2

/dev/mapper/centos-swap swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

/mnt/extradiskA/home    /home                   none    bind            0 0

/mnt/extradiskA/log     /var/log                none    bind            0 0

/mnt/extradiskA/mysql    /var/lib/mysql         none    bind            0 0

/mnt/extradiskA/.backup /.backup                none    bind            0 0

/mnt/extradiskA/.daily_backup  /.daily_backup   none    bind            0 0

So, df must show like following.

/dev/vdb                515928320  xxxxx xxxxxx   xx% /mnt/extradiskA

Please tell me how I can fix this problem.

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