Ted Miller wrote:
I finally got 5.1 to boot after install (install couldn't keep the disk IDs from getting crossed up, so at reboot partitions were not where install said they would be).

I needed to compile vmware and nvidia modules, but decided to upgrade first. Told yumex to upgrade everything.

When I went to reboot the VG with / on it is not seen by the kernel. (root partition is LVM on top of RAID 1). If I go back to the old kernel everything boots fine. On the new kernel only the VG on sdc is seen by LVM.

1. How do I persuade the new kernel to notice the VG with my root partition on it.

Never did persuade that kernel (x.13) to see my VG.

When I downloaded the x.14 kernel everything worked just fine.

Ted Miller
CentOS mailing list

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