On September 28, 2019 3:36:10 AM GMT+03:00, Yang Guo <thuguo...@gmail.com> 
>I am a student and would like to use Centos to learn how to use the
>Two versions of CentOS available: CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream.
>Which one is better for learning Linux?
>CentOS mailing list

Hi Yang,

Every distro is OK for learning purposes.
The main difference is :
CentOS8  is a RHEL 8  stripped of any proprietary (licensed) stuff and built 
based on Red Hat's source rpms.
CentOS Stream should be a mixture of Fedora (Developing ground for future RHEL 
technology - highly unstable)  and pure CentOS. As per my understansing any 
future features for RHEL  will be first deployed on CentOS Stream before moved 
to RHEL.

Still,  the above could have any gaps - so do not take anything for granted.
I would recommend you to start either with CentOS 7.7 (quite stable and 
reliable)  and later move to v8.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
CentOS mailing list

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