On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 03:12:11PM +0000, Leroy Tennison wrote:
> There may be ways to force NIC naming, I've done so but only on Ubuntu so 
> you'll need to do the research if it's important to you.  Things to look for 
> based on my experience: 70-persistent-net.rules, net.ifnames=0, biosdevname=0.

I cheated; I use NIC teaming, and before starting networking, run a
script that iterates over NICs, picking up their current device
names, and scripting the if-cfg* files.

I had to do this when a few years ago, Dell was getting clever about
renaming NICs aggressively, and nothing could trust 'eth0' anymore.
Now, I always get a 'bond0'.

(Oh, and I also disabled NetworkManager, because, like systemd, it
tries to be Too Clever for it's own good.)

Overkill for most, I admit, but it make my installation media much
more portable.

Brian Reichert                          <reich...@numachi.com>
BSD admin/developer at large    
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