Hello again...

After more searching today, I think gnome-packagekit will do what I need/want.

Bye for now...

On 10/23/20 9:49 AM, Kay Schenk wrote:

Hello folks --

I recently got a new laptop and installed CentOS8 on it. Yes, it's a learning curve. What I am really upset/disappointed with is the "new" gnome-software application. It doesn't provide nearly the functionaility of the older gnome 3.28 app. Yes, I do know how to list EVERYTHING via the command line but the ease of listing files etc associated with a packages is now gone.

Any ideas on a different app, plugins, extensions greatly appreciated.

Thanks for any help.

"DO or DO NOT; there is no try."
                  -- Yoda


"DO or DO NOT; there is no try."
                 -- Yoda


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