On Dec 3, 2020, at 5:26 PM, mark <m.r...@5-cent.us> wrote:
> 4's ancient, move to another distro"

Do you mean GCC 4.8.5 from CentOS 7, or GCC 4.47 from CentOS 6, or GCC 4.2.1 
from CentOS 5?

If we’re talking about CentOS 6, then even Red Hat agrees with the Calibre 
folks: it’s now officially past time to get off CentOS 6, as of last week.  
CentOS 5?  That and 3-4 years gone now.

If you’re speaking of CentOS 7, then we’re talking about a 5-year-old compiler, 
which I wouldn’t call “ancient,” but I’m not surprised that pre-built 
unofficial binaries aren’t targeting it any more, either.

A key pillar of the 10 year support value proposition is that the providers of 
the toolchains will be building new ancillary packages for you with those 
tools, but that only applies for packages in the distro.  I don’t see how you 
can expect that non-Red Hat organizations would be constrained in the same way. 
They didn’t agree to that deal.

I suggesting that you build Calibre yourself, or find someone who has done so 
atop CentOS 7.

Beware: the most recent major release of Calibre also requires Python 3.  They 
finally cut off all Python 2 support.

Alternately, upgrade to CentOS 8, which uses GCC 8.
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