
it is called "rolling release" and no one gave officially a statement to the question I asked,

if it is meant like that of Win10 ...

a beta release is not the same that many expect as a stable system, as they are used to have with CentOS;

you should think of renaming CentOS to something different, because with Enterprise this CentOS Stream has nothing in common;

and does Redhat really expect everone - even private people - afford a RHEL subscription¹ just to have a stable system?

¹ I would in case I only need just one RHEL subscription for ALL my private used VMs (including the ones hosted in internet as VPS)

- a DNS server
- a proxy server (squid)
- a mail server (mail store - cyrus-imapd)
- a mail server (mail router f. outgoing mails)
- a mail server (mail scanner f. incoming mails with SpamAssassin and ClamAV) - a 2nd proxy server (squid, with SSL interception and Squidclamav plus ClamAV)
- a web server (apache)
- a jump host
- a 6in4 router
- desktop with graphical UI (plus Firefox and Thunderbird) is a now a SL, but they decided several time ago,   not to do their own system based on RHEL, they use CentOS, that is now a little bit bad for this/SL's use case;

- a VPS with OpenVPN (used with my smartphone)
- a VPS with a proxy (squid, to avoid censorship due to geolocation blocking)
- a VPS as the other end of 6in4
- a VPS with storage of my own files
  (all VPS run a bind, too)

Thanks for read;


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