On 3/18/21 1:47 PM, Jonathan Billings wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 04:44:18PM -0000, Mark Woolfson wrote:
>> I have a requirement to load CentOS 7.3 on to a server. I have the
>> distribution on a bootable USB key.
> I know this comes up on the list quite often, but if you want security
> updates for 7.3, you're going to end up with 7.9 + patches, so why are
> you making your life difficult and installing such an old release?
> If a vendor is telling you that you have to run a particular version,
> perhaps you should consider finding another vendor, the baseline 7.3
> has a lot of glaring vulnerabilities in it that are readily
> exploitable. 

I am not even 7.3 sure that is available for RHEL-7 at this point with

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