On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 16:53 -0400, Alain Terriault wrote:
> Hi,
> What is todays most effective combination to filter spam ?
> On my old Redhat 3 system I used Sendmail and Spamassasin .. it was
> good, but with the current setup we are getting way to much spam.
> Looking around I found new players, well some I did not know then and
> they are very interesting..
> MailScanner .. http://www.mailscanner.info/
> Sagator .. http://www.salstar.sk/sagator/
> Smf .. http://smfs.sourceforge.net/index.html
> dspam .. http://dspam.nuclearelephant.com/index.shtml
> I am tempted to go with smfs because it is familiar .. but, mailscanner
> seems popular
> thanks,
> alain

I would recommend using Postfix along with Amavisd-new which in turn
would invoke Spamassassin for spam filtering. You can also use an anti
virus program like Clam AV with it to filter for viruses also. I have
experienced excellent performance using this combination with lesser
utilization of system resources as compared to sendmail.

As suggested by many others, you must also configure a couple of RBLs
which will actually reject a major part of the incoming spam / junk mail
and leave very little for subsequent filtering.


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