They stop on kernel startup when trying to boot the CentOS 5.2 boot CD.
It is during ACPI.
Fedora 10 Live will not but up either.
I am using Fedora 9 from Live and DVD Install to teach a fall class and it
works fine.

Are the CentOS and fed 10 DVDs of a similar type, and different to the DVD you used with fed 9?

Or is your CentOS on CDs?

A common problem I have is that some DVD drives really don't like some brands of disc. Some have issues with DVD-R's, some have issues with DVD+R's, some seem to be completely random.

ymmv, but if the failing discs are the same brand, it's probably your cheapest quickest solution to reburn on a different brand and see if that helps.

Spiro Harvey                  Knossos Networks Ltd

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