Robert wrote:
> (You did read the 1st sentence of Ralph's 1st reply, right?  -- "If you  
> haven't done *any* upgrade on that machine yet,....")? 
> Once that system has been cross-pollinated, all bets are off.  If you  
> *have* loaded that baby down with updates and/or packages from Fedora,  
> EPEL, rpmforge, sourceforge, etc., then you will likely have a bunch of  
> head-scratchin' in your near and distant future. Un-bastardization is  
> kinda like un-ringing a bell.

Having stuff on there from other repos isn't even the problem: As soon
as you update *one* package on the machine, the centos media repository
isn't able to satisfy dependencies anymore, as it only knows about stuff
which is *on* the install medium.


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