On Mon, 22 Sep 2008, Andrew Allen wrote:

I'm trying to get perl CGI programs to work from the cgi-bin (actually a sub-directory cgi-bin/various) and have set appropriate permissions using chmod 755. I'm currently testing using the simplest cgi program, you know the one: [....]

This has worked absolutely fine in the past, but now when I invoke it, either nothing appears in the browser (Mozilla Firefox) or I get "Internal Server Error" - any ideas please?

Is SELinux enabled? If so, the problem will show up in the audit logs:

  ausearch -c httpd -m avc

In general, you'll want to

1. make sure the security context on the CGI script and the directory
   tree that contains it is httpd_sys_script_exec_t, and

2. make sure that no SELinux booleans are in the way, httpd_enable_cgi
   in particular:

     getsebool httpd_enable_cgi

   If it's set to "off," then you'll want to enable it:

     setsebool httpd_enable_cgi=1

Paul Heinlein <> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> http://www.madboa.com/
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