On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 12:12 AM, John Newbigin
> Until CentOS 4.7, parted would create DOS partitions > 2Tb.
> DOS partitions can not be > 2Tb. This could "...corrupt partition tables and
> ruin filesystem".
> The latest version from CentOS 4.7 fixes this (and other) bugs.
> John.
> Sergio Belkin wrote:
>> Hi, I've read on LPI Linux Certification (Ed O'Reilly)  in a nutshell
>> the following thing:
>> "parted, unfortunately, has been known to corrupt partition tables and
>> ruin filesystem."
>> What do you think about it?
>> Greets!

This is awfully presumptuous of a list newcomer like me, but this
reply pretty clearly shows that the list monitor who intervened to
criticize the OP was overreacting.  There's always a way to make a
good, on-topic thread out of a fair question.

It's your guys' list, but if you habitually err on the side of
rejecting interested newcomers, you'll eventually run out of
newcomers.  Go look at how the FreeBSD'ers have run their lists over
the past 20 years - each question is an opportunity for the old-timers
to share something they've learned - which naturally generates
interest and enthusiasm - and newcomers are taken by the hand rather
than shown the door.  "Be generous in what you accept, conservative in
what you send" - right?

Anyway, I'm out of line, so I apologize - but here's another vote for
list inclusiveness.  It's not like the dude was asking about football.
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