On Wed, 2008-10-15 at 09:52 +0200, Laurent Wandrebeck wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently using nis/nfs3/autofs in a small network (20 boxes), and
> planning on using a more secure/elegant method. The thing is, which
> solution to adopt ? The network is mainly composed of Centos boxes,
> and a couple MS/Win ones.
> ldap/kerberos/nfs4 ? Directory Server ? Anything else ?
> Another point is, we have several servers with a local /data. Is there
> any solution to make each /data accessible to each server without
> having to maintain an awful fstab list per server ? (no way to deploy
> gfs).

Without knowing more specifics, you could always try using the /net
automount... as in: /net/servername/data

It's ugly, and rarely used, but it works for small networks...


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