on 12-5-2008 4:18 PM Rainer Duffner spake the following:
> Am 06.12.2008 um 01:02 schrieb Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams:
>> On Fri, 2008-12-05 at 23:57 +0000, Michael Holmes wrote:
>>> 2008/12/5 Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> I have a server running Centos 4.7 32bit.  Will moving from 4Gig of
>>>> RAM to 8Gig do any good?  Since its 32bit I assume it will only be
>>>> able to address the first 4Gig not?
>>> As long as you are using a SMP kernel you can use up to 64GB of RAM
>>> (though each proccess can only address 4GB of this). So if you can
>>> find any trace of  "SMP" in the uname (grep is your friend) then it
>>> should work fine.
>> PAE, not SMP.
> He should be able to replace the kernel via rpm -e and rpm -i
> That said, I doubt he'll actually see a benefit.
> PAE is slow.
> If you want to see a real performance-gain, install 5.2 x86-64.
You will only see a gain if the machine is swapping, otherwise more ram
through PAE could even be slower. Maybe up to 5% slower depending on the
machines bios and memory bus speed.

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