On Wed, 2008-12-10 at 13:33 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> I found a src.rpm for 1.1.5-1 for fc8 (not rh8!).  I was able to rebuild 
> it on my Centos build system.
> The rpms are identified as 1.1.5-1.i386.rpm, no el5 or other
> identification was placed in the files.  I don't see how to control this 
> when you rebuild from an existing src.rpm.  Interestingly the fc8 
> designation was lost.
> I also rebuild it on my fc10 system.  It worked, and the rpms have fc10
> in their names.
> Don't know how well they will work.  I will be trying them over the next
> couple weeks.  If anyone wants a copy, let me know....
If you want the el5 in the name, a file  /etc/rpm/macros.dist with the
following content:

> # dist macros.

%rhel           5
%dist           .el5
%el5            1


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