On Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 12:52:00AM +0800, mcclnx mcc wrote:
>  Checking for ksh...
>  Unable to find PD KSH version.
> 1. where is PD?

not "PD", you want pdksh -- the Public Domain version of ksh, the
original of which was originally not free.  

In CentOS 4.x, this was in an RPM called pdksh.  The CentOS 5 release
seems to include a "ksh" rpm:

$ rpm -qa | grep ksh
$ which ksh

Convincing your Oracle installer thing to accept this is something
you'll have to take up with Oracle.

/ /()\ \ David Mackintosh | 
         d...@xdroop.com  | http://www.xdroop.com

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