At 02:05 PM 3/13/2009, you wrote:
>James Pifer wrote:
> >> The masquerading options are for a different purpose.
> >> I'm glad you got it sorted out.
> >>
> >
> >
> > Although I'm able to send mail to most people without a problem using
> > smarthost, I still have a few that bounce back with errors like:
> > Your message was rejected by for the following reason:
> >
> >      Service unavailable; Client host [] 
> blocked by;
> >
> > I'm using the smarthost server that I should be using according 
> to the information:
> > define(`SMART_HOST',`')dnl
> >
> > Although I'm in a residential IP range, my connection is Business 
> Class, so sending smtp mail is not restricted (at least contractually).
> >
> > Why would I still have this problem if I'm using smarthost? Is 
> there a way to resolve it?
> >
>The problem has nothing to do with the Smart host server entry.
>Read the information in the URL above and contact your ISP.

Adding to that, Your ISP has a lot of zombied, sick clients on it. I 
find it hard to believe the number of zombied computers on the 
RoadRunner network trying to hit my mail server. Your upstream ISP 
server is letting a lot of junk through by lack of control by your 
ISP. Now, they've been black listed by for that content.

Unfortunately you chose a bad ISP. Complain to them and/or threaten 
to take your business elsewhere, but their problem is so large, they 
probably can't even begin to put a dent in it now!


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