Hi Timo,

On Wed, 1 Apr 2009, Timo Schoeler wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> thus Tom Diehl spake:
> | Hi,
> |
> | Has anyone tried upgrading xen domu's from 5.2 to 5.3? I just did a
> | yum upgrade glibc & yum upgrade yum. All appeared to go well but when I
> | rebooted and tried to connect to the network, I could not. Looking at
> | /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts I see that the that there is now an
> ifcfg-eth0
> | and an ifcfg-eth0.bak. ifcfg-eth0 now contains configuration for a
> dynamically
> | configured interface and ifcfg-eth0.bak has the old static config
> information.
> |
> | In addition, the mac address of the interface has also been changed. I
> can put
> | everything back but I would like to know if this behavior is
> deliberate? If so
> | how do I revert whatever is making the changes so that this does not
> happen.
> | I have software on some of my domu's that requires me to go get new
> license
> | keys when mac addresses or ip addresses change.
> |
> | So far in my limited testing this only seems to happen on the domu.
> The dom0
> | seems to be OK, although I have not yet rebooted it.
> |
> | I did not see anything in the release notes.
> |
> | Regards,
> Hi Tom,
> you can nail the MAC addresses of the domU's in /etc/xen/auto/config-file:
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenNetworking#head-d5446face7e308f577e5aee1c72cf9d156903722
> (see 'Additional Notes', also). If not set here, they will change every
> reboot (create, destroy) of domU.

I probably should have mentioned that I manage my domU's with cobbler and
virt-manager. Doesn't everybody? :-) It hard codes the mac addresses in the
config files when I setup the domU. Your reply did get me to look at the
config file though and I see that the date stamp on the config file is from
Dec. It looks like something else changed the mac address and the upgrade just
made an ifcfg-eth0 file to match. Since this machine is a sandbox it does not
run very much. It is possible I missed a previous change.

FWIW, I just upgraded another domU and it went flawlessly.

Sorry for the noise and thanks for the info.


Tom Diehl               tdi...@rogueind.com             Spamtrap address 

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