Michael A. Peters wrote:
> Mufit Eribol wrote:
>> Michael A. Peters wrote:
>>> Thomas Dukes wrote:
>>>> The error I got when I ran 'yum update' was:
>>>> Error:  Missing Dependency: nss = is needed by 
>>>> package
>>>> nss-devel
>>> Yes, that will do it - devel packages do need to be the same EVR.
>>> Sounds like you figured it out.
>> I have exactly the same problem. No nss-devel is installed currently. 
>> But yum update always gives the below message:
>> ...
>> Package nss-devel.i386 0: set to be updated
>> ...
>> nss = is needed by package nss-devel
>> ...
>> I can't install nss-devel either due to the very same error.
>> Sorry Michael, I still haven't figured it out. No clue at all.
> Sounds like something in your upgrade requires nss-devel but an 
> nss-devel to match the updates nss isn't in the repo, so the update 
> finds the wrong nss-devel.
> What happens when you comment out the mirror list and uncomment the 
> baseurl for both base and updates?

"yum update" gives the error. But "yum clean all && yum upgrade" fixed 
the problem as stated by one of the above posters and upgraded to 5.3 
without any problem.

Thank you.

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