on 4-2-2009 1:36 PM Marko Vojinovic spake the following:
> On Thursday 02 April 2009 18:53, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> John R Pierce wrote:
>>>> here is a bit more trivia for those interested: the 4 main 'seeds' that
>>>> came up were each running with 100mbps open uplinks. Atleast one person
>>>> in the early stages was running at 200 odd mbps.
>>> geez, makes me wonder if I should even bother to leave mine running with
>>> a 50kbyte/sec uplink ca (thats about 500kbps)...
>> If you can - you should. The costs of running those torrents at 100mbps
>> is way too high to run over any sustained period of time ( and they are
>> all offline now ). So once the first rush has spread out - the whole
>> user experience is totally driven by the other users part of the deluge.
>> Normally, I'd keep 1 machine running from within .centos.org to make
>> sure there was always atleast 1 seed for each of the torrents. And that
>> machine runs only at 10mbps, for all the torrents and is also a part of
>> other services within centos.org
> Aren't these speeds a relative notion, ie. dependent on where you are as a 
> peer?
> I mean, I have a 100Mbps link to my local LAN, which is connected via a 2Gbps 
> optical cables to my national center, which in turn has several uplinks of 
> various bandwidth (from 32Mbps to 10Gbps) connected to surrounding countries. 
>>From there on I don't know. So how can I be sure that for example someone on 
> the other side of the planet can utilize my whole bandwidth?
> Of course, we can initiate some peer-to-peer data transfer and measure the 
> actual speed, but isn't the terminology "100Mbps to outside world" a little 
> bit undefined in general? Because not all parts of "outside world" may always 
> have greater bandwidth than my uplink?
> Is there maybe some web site with a planet-wide topology of the internet, 
> along with actual bandwidths of all the links, so one can estimate the 
> transfer speed between two arbitrary points on the globe?
> FWIW, tommorow I'll use torrent to download the dvd iso's for CentOS 5.3 
> (32bit and 64bit archs), and I can leave them seeded 24/7 for an undefinite 
> time in the future, cca 3 years at least, or maybe untill 5.4 appears. If 
> anyone can pull 100Mbps from me, I'll be glad to help the community. It's 
> only that I am not so sure that it is well defined to say "I have an 100Mbps 
> uplink". Uplink to my nearest neighbor, yes, but further than that...
> Best, :-)
> Marko
But with bittorrent, one person doesn't use all of your bandwidth. Hundreds of
users are each using a small percentage of it. So if you have 100 peers
accessing 100 different slices of the torrent at 1 mb each, there goes the
whole 100 mb.

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