On Tue, 2009-04-28 at 23:31 +0200, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> JohnS wrote on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 11:09:56 -0400:
> > If you don't mind when you come to an answer would you please let me
> > know. I am interested to know.
> I could not find a real solution. I had to go to another way of creating 
> the network setup for this machine (and maybe others, I will see) and 
> disable the network-bridge script from xen. That new solution is 
> documented on the xen-users mailing-list.
> Kai
Kai, I read the Xen list and the way your doing it (the last option)
looks like something I may try for testing in VMs. Although I do want to
say Virtual Box does that very same behavior that you first described in
your post.
When you start up Virtual Box it takes out my eth1 and I am left with
eth0. Makes eth1 Brigded if that makes sense to you like Xen was doing.
I have to say it really seems like a better solution the way your doing
it now. In fact I am going to give it a try also. It may be a little
more effort into doing it but the approach is much better.

Indeed also I when I installed Xen I had to manually take out peth0 when
I uninstalled it.


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