You can try the quick how-to I posted here:

I've had some issues with the display showing corrupted data depending on
the X server being used.  SVGA always seems to work, the latest Intel one
seems fine also.

Paul Berger

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Alfred von Campe <>wrote:

> Does anyone have remote desktop connectivity working in CentOS 5.3?
> I'm using the Gnome desktop and have configured the Remote Deskop
> Preferences to "Allow other users to view your desktop" and "Allow
> other users to control your desktop".  The configuration dialog box
> says that "Users can view your desktop using this command: vncviewer
>".  However, when I try to connect to it from
> another host, I always get a "Connection reset by peer" error
> message.  I've tried various different clients an operation systems,
> and I get the same result.  I disabled the firewall completely for
> this test (service iptables stop) so I know it's not a firewall
> issue.  Then again, I don't see a vncserver process running either,
> so that may be the issue.  This was working on CentOS 5.2.
> What do I need to do to access my existing desktop on my CentOS 5.3
> system remotely?  I don't need to use VNC, but I do want to access
> the existing session and not a separate desktop (i.e., by starting a
> vncserver process).
> Thanks,
> Alfred
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