Alfred von Campe wrote:
> I've been using kickstart successfully with a local mirror going back
> to CentOS 4.X.  I'm trying to install CentOS 5.3 via kickstart on a
> new system (which happens to be different than most other systems
> I've installed on), and the install process always hangs shortly
> after the partitions are created.  If I go to the alternate console
> #3, the last two lines are always this (except that the time stamp
> changes every time I try it of course):

How long does it hang? CentOS 5.x takes much longer to get to the
point where it is installing packages than 4.x, probably a good 3-4
minutes more, perhaps longer if your mirror is over a WAN connection,
my mirror is on the local LAN and it does take a long time as well
though it always has(CentOS 5.0,5.1,5.2, haven't tried 5.3).

Unless your waiting for hours for it to go I think what your seeing
is "normal". I'd suggest using a mirror on your local network to
see if it speeds anything up, but I think most of the time is spent
on the client calculating the various things it needs for packages.


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