On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Scott Silva <ssi...@sgvwater.com> wrote:
> on 5-14-2009 1:24 PM Pasi � spake the following:
>> It seems XFS might be added as a default to RHEL 5.4..
> Probably not a default, but an option.

I wonder which high-end customer *finally* drove them to do this (if,
indeed, they are going to).  Us regular folks have been agitating for
this for ages, but we were always told that ext3 was just fine and why
would we need anything else.  Somebody with $$ must have told them in
no uncertain terms "XFS or we're outta' here".

Joshua "conspiracy theorist for a day" Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University
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