sbeam wrote:
> On Monday 18 May 2009 19:46, Kaplan, Andrew H. wrote:
>> Is there a repository that has php version 5.2 or greater available for use
>> with the Centos 5.3 distribution?
>> This includes the development libraries package. Thanks.
> Just finished compiling php 5.2.9 from the sprms I found here:
> works fine despite the slight Oracle smell - but they should really 
> make a repository.

I also have src.rpm's here:

I use to maintain binary repo but that's a lot of work I no longer have 
time for.

If I'm not mistaken, the Oracle src.rpm's are based on Fedora.
So are mine, except mine also has the suhosin core patch.

> Once used Jason Litka's repository but it sees a bit stale now:

Mine currently has 5.2.9 but I probably won't update it, other than 
maybe to add security patches as vulnerabilities are found.

I'm only running 5.2.9 myself because I wanted to report a bug and the 
php devel team wants you to try the latest version first. Since 5.2.9 
didn't break anything of mine, I kept it. (oh - and my bug wasn't a bug, 
it was my mis-understanding of the still poorly documented DOMDocument 
class related to namespaces)

centos also has some php 5.2.x I believe in their testing repo.
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