Thank you for replies,

with option "use sendfile = yes" it works great (with good speed), but
I am asking why is this option in CentOS disabled as default, even in
standard samba build it should be (according to Samba release notes)
enabled as default.

So my question is, why in CentOS´s Samba build is this option as
default disabled. Is it experimental? Is it potentially dangerous?
(Something like oplocks?)

2009/8/24 Per Qvindesland <>:
> Hi
> I am not saying that this is the solution but I am saying that it might be
> worth a short, even if it works for you I would still fine tune it depending
> on your configs, a lot of the time fine tuning samba is a pain and most of
> the time it actually comes down to crappy network performance I.E the nic
> seems to be working but it actually has a fault.
> Regards
> Per Qvindesland
> --- Original message follows ---
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] Samba "use sendfile" configuration option set do
> disabled as default - why?
> From:  Christoph Maser <>
> To: "CentOS mailing list" <>
> Date: 24-08-2009 13:27
> Am Montag, den 24.08.2009, 13:24 +0200 schrieb Per Qvindesland:
>> socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_RCVBUF=65536
>> SO_SNDBUF=65536
> These options are often found if you search for samba tuning. Did
> someone actaully benchmark the results? Shouldn't tuning buffers manuall
> be oboslete nowadays? I somewhat doubt this is THE solution for slow
> sambas.
> Chris
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