----- "Joseph L. Casale" <jcas...@activenetwerx.com> wrote:
> >You can get asterisk packages from rpmforge on Centos...but on
> Ubuntu
> >you do not have to add an extra repository to get asterisk.
> Don't bother with that, go straight to the source!
> http://packages.asterisk.org/
> These get updated rather quickly.
> jlc

+1 for this suggestion.

Starting out it may be easier to pull packages from a repo if you're not 
familiar with building from source. BUT, in the long run, you'll need to learn 
it. When a security vulnerability is fixed, you don't want to wait any longer 
than necessary for the package maintainer to get around to updating. Just grab 
the source and build. Also, the packages don't always have all the 
functionality you may require (codecs, modules, etc). There are plenty of docs 
on how to do this as well as many helpful people on the Asterisk-Users mailing 

Tim Nelson
Systems/Network Support
Rockbochs Inc.
(218)727-4332 x105
CentOS mailing list

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