On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 09:13:21 -0400
Toby Bluhm <t...@alltechmedusa.com> wrote:

> You Centos guys just aren't getting the message are you?
> We need to know EXACTLY what is going on with the release! None of this 
> "soon" crap will do. Please post a progress report on packages built, 
> isos transfered, server update progress by region, hours worked, 
> keystrokes typed, bathroom breaks, hours slept, family time taken. Bar 
> charts would be a nice touch. We need to know these things! Our very 
> lives hang upon this release. Strap a wireless webcam to your head for 
> god's sake and broadcast your every move. Verbalized every action. Quit 
> leaving us in the lurch!
> Thank you


I will not give any money to the Redhat, i want this from you for
free :-)

Best regards, Bob
CentOS mailing list

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