On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 9:27 PM, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> MHR wrote:
>> I've been running VMWare Server 1.x for some time now, currently on
>> 1.08, and I've been pretty satisfied with it.
>> I was wondering if any of you fellow VMWare users are seeing any
>> significant benefit to moving to the 2.0 release.
> I haven't tried doing anything new or different - the main thing is that
> you don't have to rebuild the kernel module on every kernel update - and
> I think the clock may be more stable for the VM guests.
>> I'm running CentOS 5.4 with Linux 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP x86_64 on an
>> AMD 7750 64x2 with 4GB of RAM....
> If you are going to change anything, you might want to consider
> installing ESXi natively on the hardware and run even your main Centos
> host as a VM under it.  I have some setups where most of the work is
> done on the Centos host which also exports it's home directory via NFS
> and one or more guests map the same home directory for some specialized
> things.  I haven't decided if ESXi would be a win for that setup or not.
> --
>   Les Mikesell
>    lesmikes...@gmail.com

Hello MHR,
I agree with Les on this. If your server is dedicated for VMware you
should use ESXi. Take a look at its features:
http://www.vmware.com/products/esxi/features.html. ESXi is much better
then VMware server 1.x or 2.x and it's free.
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