At 02:12 PM 11/2/2009, you wrote:
>On Mon, November 2, 2009 2:06 pm, James B. Byrne wrote:
> > I am a digest subscriber, so the favour of a direct copy of any
> > replies is requested.
> >
> >
> > Our firm uses SquirrelMail (SM) for email and we have a client who
> > has begun sending us email documents that SM cannot open.  This is a
> > MicroSoft Outlook artifact and I suspect it is tied to the XML used
> > in the message composition.  The problem for us is that the result
> > of opening such an email with SM is that it displays nothing.  The
> > To, From, Subject, and message body all all missing and no
> > attachments are found.
> >
> > If we use Thunderbird then we can see the original message and its
> > attachments; and that is what we are using in the meantime to get
> > around this problem.  However, it would be far more convenient if we
> > could use some way of dealing with this message format from within
> > SM.
> >
> > Has anyone here run into this situation?  How did you handle it?  Is
> > there a SquirrelMail solution or must we change email programs just
> > to deal with this correspondent?
> >
> > I have done the Google thing and have not turned up anything of use.
> > Perhaps I am using the wrong words.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
>We have ran into this before I believe. Its been awhile. Have you tried
>viewing the message as plain text or html?

I've used? MailScanner a lot in the past. MailScanner used Perl 
libraries to decode and translate the .msg files to text as an 
option. Good software, but if you already 
have an antivirus/anti-spam solution, it would be overkill, to the maximus!


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