John Doe wrote:
> From: Ian Forde <>
>> On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 14:19 -0800, Kenneth Porter wrote:
>>> --On Thursday, February 04, 2010 8:36 AM -0600 Robert Nichols 
>>>> Looks like that's about all you can do.  USB devices aren't available
>>>> until hotplug discovers them, and that's proceeding in parallel with the
>>>> rest of the boot sequence.  Be sure to put a timeout in that loop lest it
>>>> hang forever if that external device is absent.
>>> Even better would be to make the script event-driven and launched by the 
>>> hotplug process. Then there's no busy-wait.
>> Since the OP is looking to have their USB drive mounted before mythtv's
>> backend process starts up, I'd recommend disabling the mythbackend
>> startup script:
>> chkconfig mythbackend off
>> Then doing a manual mount in /etc/rc.local, followed by starting
>> mythbackend.
>> /sbin/mount /dev/sdb1 /wherever
>> /sbin/service mythbackend start
>> Of course, I wouldn't recommend using a USB drive for storing myth
>> recordings, as it eventually bite you due to USB2's limited bandwidth...
>>     -I (also a mythtv user!)
> Hum... hoping in in the middle of the conversation but...
> I am mounting a usb disk through fstab; and the daemon (bacula) using it 
> never complained...
> Aren't the filesystems mounted (rc.sysinit?) before most daemons...?
> Otherwise, just create a mounting init script with a starting priority lower 
> than mythbackend.

There lie the perils of jumping in late.  The issue was not with mounting, but
rather the boot-time fsck, which occurs earlier.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                 Do NOT delete it.

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