On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 16:15 +0530, Vijay Shanker Dubey wrote:
> Hi,
> I am planning to use <firestarter> to manage the incoming and outgoing
> network connections. Please give me some valuable read abouts and tips
> about this package.
> - Will it be a good choice for network management? What are the other
> options?
I used Firestarter for a while a few years ago.  After less than a year
I migrated to the Shoreline Firewall ( Shorewall ) for a couple of

First is that Firestarter is limited in what it will allow you to do
with your firewall configuration.  Shorewall is much more powerful and

Second, the last time I looked, Firestarter was not being actively
maintained.  As I recall, the latest version of Firestarter is about 3
years old, and the mailing list and forums show very little traffic.  By
comparison, Shorewall is much more active -- both in
maintenance/enhancement and the mailing list.

This is just my opinion, and as always, YMMV.

> If i choose to install Firestarter :
> - Have you installed and used Firestarter in CentO 5.5? If yes,Please
> share the process of installation.
> Regards,
> Vijay Shanker Dubey
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