Adrian Sevcenco <> wrote:

> Thanks it helps! but a little more bit of info^Whints could help even
> more: lets say that on the server i do this stuff (and where is this
> dir from which nodes are installed) everything is up to date.. (and
> worker nodes are NOT updated) and i dont want to ask nodes do give me
> an "rpm -qa".. how can a make a diff (comparing versions) between
> rpms form local directory and update repo? (other than take the rpm
> name from dir; strip name and version ; search in update repo the rpm
> name ; compare version , if newer download rpm )

If I understand you correctly, you're asking how the worker nodes know
what to update?

The simplest answer is that "yum" deals with all that.

If you set up a local repo mirror, then that machine should share out
that repo directory via http or ftp. You would sync that with an upline
mirror, either via ftp or rsync.

Then on the worker nodes, you would create a custom repo file
in /etc/yum.repos.d pointing to your local repository.

Then the worker nodes could just run a "yum update" and they would get
all the updates they need. It will do all the version checking, and all
you have to worry about is keeping your server's local mirror up to

Spiro Harvey                  Knossos Networks Ltd

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