On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 16:01:13 +0200
Rudi Ahlers <r...@softdux.com> wrote:

> Even so, most machines today performs multiple tasks, so 3GB limit per
> process isn't really that big an issue, unless you render graphics
> with a mono-threaded application.
Depends the domain :) We work in satellite images processing here, so
3GB per process is an issue.
Moreover, PAE memory access is far from optimal. You're better run a 64
bits OS with 32 apps than a 32 bits PAE enables, imho.
> On servers you generally have more than one process running so the
> whole experience will sitll be a good one with 4GB+ RAM, upto 32GB if
> memory serves me right?
Don't know about upper limit of PAE. Wikipedia says 64GB.
Laurent Wandrebeck
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