There are lots of people in similar circumstances to Larry. He has a recognised 
medical syndrome.

People get problems. Some do not know how to effectively tackle their
major problem so stress increases to a significant and detrimental
extent. Often the person is never fully aware of high stress levels they
have. Just because someone looks 'normal' it does not mean they are not
in someway suffering. A good example is someone suffering from an
incurable illness with a year to live. Can anyone really identity their
significantly shorted lifespan just by looking at them in the street as
they walk by?

Diversions into irritating behaviour are a classic example of someone
desperately trying to avoid thinking about, and therefore dealing with,
a major problem. The reason they try to avoid thinking about the problem
is the very high stress levels associated with that problem. It is too
much for them to handle. The diversionary behaviour is a form of 'stress
relief' and ultimately a cry for help.

Larry is very likely curable. He just needs to talk confidentially and
openly to someone who can begin to help him. Often a problem shared is a
problem halved *and* the stress levels are lowered.

Larry, I know you will read this, talk to a friend - Get help.

With best regards,


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