on 3/27/2011 5:36 AM Ian Murray spake the following:
>> What makes you think CentOS is not willing to be commercially sponsored?
>> (Or only work developing CentOS?)
>> I would LOVE to be able to do CentOS as my only job.
>> No one that we know of is willing to pay a full time salary for 1 or 2
>> or 3 people to develop CentOS.  If they would pay for it, we would
>> likely do it.
>> They might be willing for us to let their current employees do some
>> CentOS things ... but not willing to pay for CentOS development.
> Sorry, that was just my impression from previous posts. I guess I have that 
> wrong. Maybe I am confusing the reluctance to take donations at the moment 
> with commercial sponsorship. Thanks for correcting me.
> Couple of questions, then....
> What is the average current time commitment per week, i.e. man hours that is 
> currently volunteered by the core developers?
> What would that need to increase to, to significantly reduce release times 
> (which I think was the overall goal)?
> What would the *market rate* be for the skills required? Just to give a rough 
> figure to work with and shouldn't be related to any particular person's 
> current day job.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ian.
A good linux sysadmin in the US makes from 60K to 80K USD a year... High level
programmers a bit more... So with benefits, and other support costs... How
about a half million to three quarters of a million a year to commercialize
CentOS... In US dollars... Get your checkbook out...

Anyone know someone who can front at least 2 years working capital to get
started and productive?

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