On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Cal Sawyer <cal.saw...@artsalliancemedia.com
> wrote:

> Apologies in advance for excerpting or leaving out the messages sent to the
> list as i was in digest mode so got them all in one lump.
> Rudi Ahlers:
> You could assign a LABEL to each hard drive. The LABEL is attached to the
> drive's UID (I think?) so even if you move the drive to anther port it will
> still be accessible via the same LABEL
> > Unfortunately, the removable devices are utterly random and rarely if
> ever the same device seen twice.
Yes, that's why you assign a LABEL to the device :) If the same hard drive
gets used on the same server, but on random ports every time then the LABEL
will still stay the same. I have a similar setup where I mount about 40-odd
USB drives to a server on a regular basis. They each have their own mount
points in /mnt/usb-hdd/xxxxxxxxxx and irrespective of which drive I connect
to which USB port, or on which order, they all get mounted where they're
supposed to :)

Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers

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